Christmas Party 2024 with Taiji Circle

Good fun was had by all at the Taiji Circle Lucky Dragon Christmas party, Shifu Liu taught Jiu Jiu Qi Gong (Return of Primordial Energy), Da Bei Qi Gong, meditative and quiet, followed by lessons in Chinese Dumpling making (thanks to our Chinese student and Shifu’s wife for bringing ingredients) after which we ate them! After food and relaxation students performed some of the Chen routines and we all joined in to practice Laojia Yi Lu, the classic foundation Chen family routine.

A great way to finish our taiji year, such a busy time with a fantastic trip to China in August and excellent classes and workshops with Shifu Liu. The new timetable and plans for the new year workshops will be available on the website soon.

Xinjia Yi Lu: part 3 of TJC’s Chen Taijiquan London workshops


26 November 2022
13:00-16:00 at St Paul’s Camden Square, NW1 9XG

Tai Ji Circle’s last Xinjia Yi Lu London workshops with 6th Duan Shifu Liu is a rare opportunity to study the brilliant first Chen New Frame routine, created from Laojia Yi Lu (the oldest Chen hand form) by Chen Fake, Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang’s grandfather.

Shifu will teach the last sections of postures of the Xinjia routine, while revising the earlier sections cover in the other two workshops. Shifu Liu will correct body posture and movements.

Booking through the TJC Bookwhen link below. Thank you.

Xinjia Yi Lu: part 3 of TJC’s Chen Taijiquan London workshops


26 November 2022
13:00-16:00 at St Paul’s Camden Square, NW1 9XG

Tai Ji Circle’s last Xinjia Yi Lu London workshops with 6th Duan Shifu Liu is a rare opportunity to study the brilliant first Chen New Frame routine, created from Laojia Yi Lu (the oldest Chen hand form) by Chen Fake, Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang’s grandfather.

Shifu will teach the last sections of postures of the Xinjia routine, while revising the earlier sections cover in the other two workshops. Shifu Liu will correct body posture and movements.

Booking through the TJC Bookwhen link below. Thank you.

Xinjia Yi Lu: part 3 of TJC’s Chen Taijiquan London workshops


26 November 2022
13:00-16:00 at St Paul’s Camden Square, NW1 9XG

Tai Ji Circle’s last Xinjia Yi Lu London workshops with 6th Duan Shifu Liu is a rare opportunity to study the brilliant first Chen New Frame routine, created from Laojia Yi Lu (the oldest Chen hand form) by Chen Fake, Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang’s grandfather.

Shifu will teach the last sections of postures of the Xinjia routine, while revising the earlier sections cover in the other two workshops. Shifu Liu will correct body posture and movements.

Booking through the TJC Bookwhen link below. Thank you.

Xinjia Yi Lu (New Frame 1 Form) Classes

Starting weekly new London Classes every Tuesday in venue from 15 March 2022

Time 19:30-20:30
Venue: Islington Chinese Association, 
21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4 NG

Shifu Liu in a posture from Xinjia Yi Lu
Shifu Liu in a posture from Xinjia Yi Lu

Tai Ji Circle’s Xinjia Yi Lu (New Frame 1) Form new classes with 6th Duan Shifu Liu are a rare opportunity to study the brilliant Chen New Frame routine, developed from Laojia Yi Lu (the oldest Chen hand long form) by Chen Fake early in 20th Century, he is Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang’s famous grandfather. The routine contains skilful circular movements rooted in silk reeling theories and energetic fajin practice. 

These classes are suitable for those who have studied and are familiar with Chen Taijiquan’s Laojia Yi Lu (Old Frame 1) or Laojia Er Lu routines. Shifu will teach it step by step and this is the best opportunity to learn the form slowly from the very beginning!

Booking in advance from,

Masks are no longer mandatory, but please respect those who wish to wear them and maintain a safe social distance.

Email any queries, thank you.

14.05.2022: Chen Foundation In-Depth Workshop: In Venue + Online

Shifu Liu leads Chen Foundation taiji training

This will be our second in depth Foundation of the year for exploring Chen Foundation training taught by Tai Ji Circle’s renowned London Chen-style master Liu Quanjun. The standing and silk reeling practice are the roots of Chen Tai Chi (taiji) movement and forms. Benefit health through practical training that both relaxes the mind and body and improves strength, balance and coordination. We also have postural corrections so that you can see what problems to look out for in your own practice.

There will be rest breaks and Q&A

Suitable for everyone for every level.

Time: 13:00-16:00

Venue: St Paul’s Church Hall
Camden Square
London, NW1 9XG
(Please ring doorbell for entry).

Advance booking only, no drop-ins or cash. All booking from our workshop site:
For online workshop bookings the link will be sent out with confirmation email.

Any queries please email Chris, thank you.

19.02.2022: Chen Taijiquan 19 Form Workshop: In Venue + Online

Taught by Shifu Liu, this taiji routine was created by Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang in response to demand from students for a short routine suitable for beginners to learn. This workshop will be live in venue and online Zoom.

The 19 Chen Taijiquan routine is composed of 19 movements, divided into four sections. The simplicity of the form’s choreography makes it easy to learn for new students, yet offers the experienced practitioner room to express and develop the basic principles, energies and techniques of the style.

Booking and payment through our Bookwhen site, the online link will be sent out with registration email receipt, thank you. or the link below.

Chen Taijiquan Winter Workshop – In Venue + Live Online

Saturday Chen Taiji Winter workshop with Shifu Liu Quanjun
Revising our Chen taiji syllabus, starting with essential Foundation training of meditation standing practice, five element silk reeling exercises. The second session will be the 19 Step Form, followed by Laojia Yi Lu, the Chen Old Frame form, the ‘keystone’ of the Chen style and considered the most important to practice. Preparing for the winter holidays, Chen taiji training stimulates the circulation of fluids and energy giving us great health benefits for the colder months. Shifu will give us postural and movement correction, and we may also have time for some fan taiji revision or a demo of Chen 13 Step Spear from Shifu Liu.

There will be refreshment breaks and Q&A

All booking and payment in advance please at:

Chen Fan Taijiquan: 2 London workshops – In-Venue + Online

The Chen style Taiji fan is a two day workshop with Shifu Liu held at the St Paul’s, Camden venue and live online Zoom.

Taijiquan fan is a weapon routine created by Master Chen Ziqiang, and is part of the Chen Taiji weapon series. The form is based on the Chen foundation practice incorporating the characteristic techniques of the Taiji sword form. The practice is aimed at improving health, enhancing coordination and balance. The opening and closing movements of the form combine the techniques of softness/flexibility and strength, it can be used to attack or to defend. The movements are graceful and elegant, performed with ease and surety.

There will be refreshment breaks and the opportunity to ask questions. Please wear masks, bring your own cup or flask for refreshment breaks and maintain 2 metres social distance indoors.

Suitable for all levels with taiji experience.

Venue: St Paul’s Church Hall, Top end of Camden Square, London, NW1 9XG

Times: 13:00–16:00

TJC Workshop Tickets Click on link to book in advance only, no drop-ins or cash accepted. The online Zoom link is sent out with the ticket acknowledgment email, so please keep on your desktop for use.

If you wish to purchase a fan you can try Tai Chi Link website.

Chen Taijiquan 19 Form Workshop: In Venue + Online

Shifu Liu in the 19 Form
Shifu Liu in the 19 Form

Taught by Shifu Liu, this taiji routine was created by Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang in response to demand from students for a short routine suitable for beginners to learn. This workshop will be live in venue and online Zoom.

The 19 Chen Taijiquan routine is composed of 19 movements, divided into four sections. The simplicity of the form’s choreography makes it easy to learn for new students, yet offers the experienced practitioner room to express and develop the basic principles, energies and techniques of the style.


Please wear comfortable shoes and loose clothes for training, and wear masks to the venue, sign in for track and trace, use the gel etc, and please be aware of others and maintain a safe distance.

There will be rest breaks and Q&A opportunities throughout the session

Booking and payment on :

The online link will be sent out with acknowledgement email after booking, thank you.