Chris founded Tai Ji Circle in 2004 and ran the Tai Ji Circle charity with Shifu Liu QUanjun from 2013-2023. Chris assists Shifu Liu teaching Chen Taijiquan for the charity and has also taught tai ji and qi gong in a variety of places from Triyoga in London, to a P&O cruise ship!
Before the onset of Covid-19, she taught weekly classes with Age UK, originally supported by MIND in Enfield through the Big Lottery fund. In 2015 Chris completed an NHS recognised course ‘Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and Falls Prevention’ and has set up Living Tai Chi to extend her work in developing community tai ji classes for those who are a little older. In 2016 she also completed a Practitioner Course in NLP, with certification from The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. In 2017 Chris also gained a Sacred Energy Arts, Yoga Alliance recognised Teacher Training Certificate in Yoga & Qi Gong from Master Mathew Cohen in Los Angeles, California.
Pre to Covid-19, Chris was teaching taiji classes, for those with Parkinson’s Disease at the Edgware Hospital in North London. She also taught twice a week at the Meritage Centre in Hendon for Age UK Barnet, and classes in Notting Hill. During Covid-19 pandemic many of her previous class participants joined her online twice a week with Zoom.
Free charity classes in Camden and Notting Hill with Chris continue in venue with the St Pancras Community Association and the Kensington & Chelsea Forum. Chris teaches a Chen Foundation level class for health and wellbeing in venue and online on Tuesday mornings in Camden.
Class booking with Chris at Living Tai Chi on Bookwhen