Classes In Venue and Online soon

Term Three starts soon with weekly classes to be held in one of our London venues, and live on Zoom. After a trial run at the end of July we felt that this would be the best way moving forward so that those who live further away or abroad have the opportunity of joining our classes or workshops. It has been great to see our taiji brothers and sisters joining online classes from around the UK or overseas.

Our Early Morning Practice Online with Shifu Liu will continue Mondays-Fridays from 7:30-8:30am, starting from Monday 7 September, the practice varies but basically contains Chen taiji warm up exercises, some Tui Na or various Qi Gong exercise and the Yi Fei Gong, which was created by Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang to enhance and strengthen the lungs. This practice has been a wonderful regular support through lockdown life over the last six months and has given structure to our days along with Shifu’s other online Chen Taijiquan classes.

We start Term Three with a new Booking and Payment system for all our weekly classes, triggered by the necessity to restrict numbers of students in venue and avoid taking cash payments and registers in class during the Covid-19 outbreak. We hope that you will find this system easy to use, buying a single or series of classes or buying a class pass. if you set up an account with email and password, you can then easily see what classes you have booked and paid for.

We will follow safety guidelines in our venues, with antiseptic gel, checking temperatures, wearing masks in corridors and facilities, and maintaining social distance at all times.

Shifu Liu and Chris are looking forward to the opportunity to meeting everyone again after so long, and don’t forget to book in your classes!

Book online

Live Zoom and In Venue Tai Chi Classes start 6 September

This is the new booking system for all classes and payments, as we go digital and adopt government guidelines, no drop-in students and we are not accepting cash payments any more.

TJC are starting back for Term Three 2020 with classes both in our London venues and continuing live online. The new TJC Classes Book Pay  schedule page has the timetable of weekly Chen Taijiquan classes with Shifu Liu and Chris and details of how to book your class and pay with your credit card. In lieu of Covid-19, and limited ‘In Venue’ numbers, all classes must be booked and paid for online as we follow the government health guidelines. When booking your first class you can set up an account with Bookwhen giving your email and password, and then you can track all your classes and payments. We hope that this will be a much better method for our students in the future. For security reasons it is also best for a class participant to set up a free account on Zoom before entry to the classes.

Please note that for practical reasons more advanced Chen hand and weapons classes are in venue only.

We look forward to trying out at the venues, remember to wear a mask entering the buildings and remain socially distanced, and we can see how getting back to something like normal might feel. In the meantime stay safe, socially distance, wear a mask and wash your hands!