NHS Covid-19 App for Track and Trace – In our Venues at Islington Chinese Association and St Paul’s Church Hall
The idea for the Test and Trace QR code is for it to be used by those who attend the premises we use.
Attendees will need to have downloaded the NHS Test and Trace app. in the first instance. If then someone has tested positive for Covid-19 the NHS will email the QR code holders immediately to let them know that someone who has attended recently has tested positive for Covid-19. We can then take appropriate measures to help ensure that those who have been exposed to the virus can self-isolate as instructed by the Government.
How do I install the app? You should only download the app, from official stores:
- iOS – https://www.apple.com/uk/ios/app-store/
- Google play – https://play.google.com/store
What permissions does the app require?
For the app to work, you’ll be asked to allow Bluetooth and Notifications.
Please note that Bluetooth will only work on Android phones if Location Services are enabled, so you’ll be asked to turn this feature on.
The app does not collect any location data.
You only need to give the first 3 letters of your postcode, not your full postcode, nor your personal details.
If you have a smart phone please use the TJC Venue QR Posters to check-in to scan the QR code on entry to class at St Paul’s and ICA (St Paul’s and ICA will also have their own separate posters for their own activities) and also continue to sign into the register book with your name and phone on each day you come to class/workshop. Many thanks for your cooperation. We still have a limit of 8 people attending each class as the recommendations give an exemption to rule of 6 with sporting activity:
“There will be exceptions where groups can be larger than 6 people, including:
- “organised indoor and outdoor sports, physical activity and exercise classes (see the list of recreational team sports, outdoor sport and exercise allowed under the gyms and leisure centre guidance
- youth groups or activities
- elite sporting competition or training”
The QR codes do not take the place of the registers and checklists that we have in place for our classes or the measures we are taking for track and trace in our respective risk assessments. They will serve as an additional safeguard for us all and it is a useful tool in combating the virus.
It is not compulsory for attendees to scan the QR code, and some attendees in any case you may not have smartphones or want to use the app, but it does help the NHS in contacting people who might be affected.
Many thanks and let’s hope by following the guidelines we can all stay safe and well and continue our practice of Chen Taiji with Shifu Liu at our venues.