Chen Single Sabre/Broadsword form workshop will be held in St Paul’s Church Hall venue with Shifu Liu Quanjun.
The Chen Taijiquan sabre, or Dao weapon form is a very lively and dynamic routine, using the waist and dantian as axis. It is a short routine to learn with 23 movements which can be learnt quite quickly. It needs a good degree of relaxation to perform at speed and keep the movements fast, flowing and smooth.
Suitable for all levels and beginners (with basic Chen hand forms) to the Chen weapons routines
Advanced booking and payment through: or the link below.
The Chen style Taiji fan is a two day workshop with Shifu Liu held at the St Paul’s, Camden venue and live online Zoom.
Taijiquan fan is a weapon routine created by Master Chen Ziqiang, and is part of the Chen Taiji weapon series. The form is based on the Chen foundation practice incorporating the characteristic techniques of the Taiji sword form. The practice is aimed at improving health, enhancing coordination and balance. The opening and closing movements of the form combine the techniques of softness/flexibility and strength, it can be used to attack or to defend. The movements are graceful and elegant, performed with ease and surety.
There will be refreshment breaks and the opportunity to ask questions. Please wear masks, bring your own cup or flask for refreshment breaks and maintain 2 metres social distance indoors.
Suitable for all levels with taiji experience.
Venue: St Paul’s Church Hall, Top end of Camden Square, London, NW1 9XG
Times: 13:00–16:00
TJC Workshop Tickets Click on link to book in advance only, no drop-ins or cash accepted. The online Zoom link is sent out with the ticket acknowledgment email, so please keep on your desktop for use.
If you wish to purchase a fan you can try Tai Chi Link website.